• Calder Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1SA
Governing Body

The Governing Body has a statutory responsibility to oversee and monitor the operation and effectiveness of the school, including the  appointment of staff and the setting of the school's budget.  The Governing Body has sole responsibility for the selection and appointment of the executive head teacher.  Governors are responsible for ensuring that the school fulfils all its statutory responsibilities, for example, those relating to child protection, health and safety, equality legislation and provision for pupils with special educational needs.  They are responsible for ensuring the proper and effective spending of public funds.  Working closely with the executive head teacher, associate head teachers and the senior leadership team, the Governing Body sets the strategic direction of the school and ensures that there is a well-focused and effective Learning Improvement Plan. 

Individual members of the Governing Body, as well as the group as a whole, are involved in monitoring school performance, particularly in relation to children's learning and progress.  This involves supporting the school by agreeing improvement strategies, allocating budget resources and general involvement, wherever appropriate.  The role of Governors also crucially involves holding the executive head teacher and other staff to account for the quality of the education which our school provides.  The Governing Body carries out the annual appraisal of the executive head teacher's performance, and oversees the appraisal of other staff.

Our Governing Body has four full meetings each year.  Please see our Circle model of Governance documents below for further information. Governors receive frequent and regular reports from the executive and associate head teacher, as well as other members of staff, and make regular visits to school to understand the daily running of the school and to help monitor its effectiveness.

As a Governing Body, we are totally committed to the Leamington Federation schools, and do all we can to ensure that the well-being and achievement of our children.  We are proud of our schools, and never cease to be amazed at the fantastic learning which takes place, and of the uniqueness, potential and achievements of each of the children we encounter.


Richard Butler (Onside Coaching) Chair of Governors  (Co-opted Governor)
Caroline Peacock (No pecuniary interests) Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor)
Tim Naylor (No pecuniary interests) Local Authority Governor
Nikki Ajibade (Warwickshire EMTAS) Co-opted Governor
Val Leigh-Hunt (No pecuniary interests) Co-opted Governor
David Booth (No pecuniary interests) Co-opted Governor
Victoria Daines (no pecuniary interests) Parent Governor
Sharnjit Kaur (No pecuniary interests) Parent Governor
Juliette Westwood (No pecuniary interests) Head Teacher Governor
Kate Gillespie (No pecuniary interests) Staff Governor
Jill Manley (No pecuniary interests) Associate Governor
Carol Glenny (No pecuniary interests) Associate Governor
Lucy Challand (No pecuniary interests) Associate Governor


Structure of the Governing Body

Leamington Federation Circle Model of Governance

Responsibilities of the Governing Body

2021-2022 Positions Held - Circle Model of Governance

Attendance Record

Attendance and Information 2022-2023

Attendance and Information 2021-2022

Attendance and Information 2020-2021

Attendance and Information-2019-2020

Impact of the Governing Body

Impact of the Governing Body



The governing body, although re-constituted when the federation was established, has an excellent overview of the school’s direction and the priorities which they help to formulate. Regular visits, reports and meetings with staff mean that they are able to be highly effective in supporting the school while holding it to account.
